One of favorite times of year, Halloween, includes one of my favorite yearly traditions. Since my daughter was born, we look forward to our annual visit to a pumpkin patch!
My favorites include Geobbert's Pumpkin Patch and Sonny Acres:
Goebbert’s is located in Hampshire, Illinois. They won me over with their apple cider doughnuts, but my daughter loves it for the corn maze and the mechanical pumpkin-eating dragon! There is a little something for everyone, but it caters to families with younger children.
Trip Tip: Be sure bundle up if you choose Goebbert’s, it's located in an open field and the wind can be strong.
Visit their website
here for more information.
Sonny Acres is located in West Chicago, and is my absolute favorite. It has everything from a petting zoo to corn on the cob, from face painting to hay rides and even small carnival rides. Of course, they have pumpkins too! Kids of all ages will delight in the fall festivities at this quaint must-see, just off of North Avenue.
Trip Tip: Beware, Sonny Acres can get pretty crowded. I recommend visiting early in the morning.
Visit their website
here for more information.